Tuesday, June 17, 2014



1.  What personal applications can you make from the parable of the Sower?


I believe my heart is after God and His will for me. There is the Stony, shallow, strangled, or spiritual— heart, and I believe the soil of my heart is spiritual. I want God's will for my life.


2.  Do you understand the way parables work, if so, please explain?


A parable is a word-picture which uses an image or story to illustrate a truth or lesson. It creates a mini-drama in picture language that describes the reality being illustrated. It shows a likeness between the image of an illustration and the object being portrayed. It defines the unknown by using the known. It helps the listener to discover the deeper meaning and underlying truth of the reality being portrayed. It can be a figure of speech or comparison, such as "the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed ..or like yeast" (Luke 13:19, 21). More commonly it is a short story told to bring out a lesson or moral. Jesus used simple stories or images to convey important truths about God and his kingdom, and lessons pertaining to the way of life and happiness which God has for us. They commonly feature examples or illustrations from daily life in ancient Palestine, such as mustard seeds and fig trees, wineskins and oil lamps, money and treasure, stewards, workers, judges, and homemakers, wedding parties and children's games. Jesus' audience would be very familiar with these illustrations from everyday life. Today we have to do some homework to understand the social customs described.


3.  How have your life changed since you've read the parable of the Good Samaritan?


My heart is more so heavenly bound, because of my study of God's Word. I have been encouraged through it. I am praying more that God would use me in my daily, even on my job so I can be a positive influence on those around me. Regardless of my thoughts or feelings towards others I want to minister to their need each day of my life. I truly believe that is growing spiritually when you desire and pray to be like the Good Samaritan.


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